LucoFLEX® är den mest flexibla ”neon-ersättaren” på marknaden. Dessa produkter kan böjas och formas med minimal svängradie vilket ger samma konstnärliga och kreativa möjligheter som med traditionell neonteknik.
De silikoningjutna profilerna är inte bara väderskyddade utan även flamtåliga, uv stabila och stöttåliga (IP klassning 67-68).
För dig som älskar färger finns givetvis alternativ för färgskiftande applikationer, kundspecifika färgönskemål och RGB-dot-controllable lösningar.
LED Controller DMX for LUCOFLEX RGB DCArt nr. F-MR502
Magic controller for LUCOFLEX RGB DC.Art nr. F-SP105E
LED Magic Music controller for LUCOFLEX RGB DC.Art nr. F-SP107E
ucoFLEX RGB-DC offers a high quality colour changeable, dot controllable, flexible, solution for contour li...Art nr. F-RGB-DC-5
LucoFLEX RGB-TB is a side bending flexible RGB product. LucoFLEX RGB is designed for outdoor use, using sol...Art nr. F-RGB-SB
1m mounting profile for RGB Side Bend, (10pcs)Art nr. F-RGB-SB-ACL
Aluminum mounting clips for RGB Side Bend,(50 pcs)Art nr. F-RGB-SB-ACS
Plastic mounting clips for RGB Side Bend, (50 pcs)Art nr. F-RGB-SB-CLIPS
End Caps for RGB Side Bend, (10 pcs)Art nr. F-RGB-SB-EC
Power supply connection set for RGB Side Bend, 5 pcsArt nr. F-RGB-SB-PCIS
Lucoflex SLIM is the most flexible neon-replacement product currently available. It can be bent in a very ...Art nr. FS-00465-B
Lucoflex SLIM is the most flexible neon-replacement product currently available. It can be bent in a very ...Art nr. FS-00520-G
Lucoflex SLIM is the most flexible neon-replacement product currently available. It can be bent in a very ...Art nr. FS-00585-Y
Lucoflex SLIM is the most flexible neon-replacement product currently available. It can be bent in a very ...Art nr. FS-00600-O
Lucoflex SLIM is the most flexible neon-replacement product currently available. It can be bent in a very ...Art nr. FS-00620-R
Lucoflex SLIM is the most flexible neon-replacement product currently available. It can be bent in a very ...Art nr. FS-03000-W
Lucoflex SLIM is the most flexible neon-replacement product currently available. It can be bent in a very ...Art nr. FS-06500-W
Silicon wire for LucoFLEX (SLIM), 200mm. Bag of 10pcs.Art nr. FS-18001
Silicon endcap for LucoFLEX SLIM. Bag of 10pcs.Art nr. FS-18002
RVS mounting clip for LucoFLEX (SLIM). Bag of 10pcs.Art nr. FS-18003
Silicone Wire for LucoFLEX (SLIM)Art nr. FS-18004
Aluminum mounting profile for LUCOFLEX SLIM, 1m. Bag of 10.Art nr. FS-18006
Silica glue for LucoFLex (SLIM), 1pcs.Art nr. FS-18011
Lucoflex Slim Extreme Cuttable is the most flexible neon-replacement product currently available. It can be...Art nr. FX-00465-B
Lucoflex Slim Extreme Cuttable is the most flexible neon-replacement product currently available. It can be...Art nr. FX-00520-G
Lucoflex Slim Extreme Cuttable is the most flexible neon-replacement product currently available. It can be...Art nr. FX-00590-Y
Lucoflex Slim Extreme Cuttable is the most flexible neon-replacement product currently available. It can be...Art nr. FX-00620-R
Lucoflex Slim Extreme Cuttable is the most flexible neon-replacement product currently available. It can be...Art nr. FX-03000-W
Lucoflex Slim Extreme Cuttable is the most flexible neon-replacement product currently available. It can be...Art nr. FX-06500-W
Silicone Endcap for LucoFLEX SLIM Extreme, straight hole (10pcs)Art nr. FX-18001
Silicone Endcap for LucoFLEX SLIM Extreme, left hole (10pcs)Art nr. FX-18002
Silicone Endcap forLucoFLEX SLIM Extreme, bottom hole (10pcs)Art nr. FX-18003
Silicone Endcap for LucoFLEX SLIM Extreme right hole (10pcs)Art nr. FX-18004
Silicone Endcap for LucoFLEX SLIM Extreme, no hole (10pcs)Art nr. FX-18005
Plastic Mounting Clip for LucoFLEX SLIM Extreme (50pcs)Art nr. FX-18006